
Monday, April 07, 2008


I seek for my answers but instead find madness,

amid the clamour of confused voices.

Nearly seven billion tongues pen

a million linguistic forms;

minds deliberate over dialects

and didaction, seeking meaning or God;

or just pleasing the moment

of global intercourse.

Finding a voice amid the babble -

the constant murmuring deafens.

Prophets and messiahs – true

or false? Who knows – there are so many?

Intolerance is neither sin nor

surprising when none can hear

another; individual heartbeats seem

merely virtual or alien, or the newest

con from sad, dusty fingers:

an S.O.S. to reach a calmer somewhere.

In this information overload,

I cannot withstand the flood

of disconnection, which liquidises

all permanent structures of belief.

I ache for silence from such mayhem;

to know the still echo of serenity,

which spoke all along,

under the thunder that is not thunder,

but the world's pain, in throng.

Christopher James Rhodes.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:38 am

    "..In For the Common Good, by former World Bank senior economist Prof. Herman Daly and theologian, Prof. John Cobb Jr. (1994), a clear and important distinction is made between “oikonomia” and “chrematistics”..

    “Aristotle made a very important distinction between “oikonomia” and “chrematistics.” The former, of
    course, is the root from which our word “economics” derives. Chrematistics is a word that these days are found mainly in unabridged dictionaries. It (chrematistics) can be defined as the branch of political economy relating to the manipulation of property and wealth so as to maximize short-term monetary exchange value to the owner. Oikonomia, by contrast, is the management of the household so as to increase its use value to all members of the household over the long run. If we extend the scope of the household to include the larger community of the land, of shared values, resources, biomes, institutions, language, and history, then we have a good definition of ‘economics for community.’” (Daly and Cobb,
    1994; 138).."

    Source of above is this link - - this is an extremely valuable paper in its own right. My research into Peak Oil has led to sustainable practices, but I and others may only have succeeded in buying time.
