I am available as a speaker on the the following topics:
- Energy and the Changing Climate.
- Plastic Pollution and Potential Solutions.
- What Happens When the Oil Runs Out?
- For Our Children's Earth: Building the Soil, Sustaining the Future.
- University Shambles: How to Ruin the Best University System in the World.
- A Globe of Villages, and the Power of Local Communities.
- Trees - Protectors Against a Changing Climate.
- "Hippy the Happy Hippopotamus!" - An Eco-Parable for Young Children.
Some recordings of previous talks:
"The Energy War and Climate Breakdown."
Scientists Warning Europe.
Panel Discussion: in advance of COP27, August 22nd, 2022.
"Energy and the Changing Climate."
Lecture to the Linnean Society of London, February 23rd, 2022.
"Understanding the Energy Sector, A Scientists Warning conversation with Professor Chris Rhodes."
Free Speech TV: "Mobilized".
Interview by Dr Jeffery Van Treese II, October 22nd, 2021.
"Energy Crisis? Climate Crisis?"
Scientists Warning Europe:
Interview by Dr Julie Peconi: in advance of COP26, October 15th, 2021.
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1JEzm7r9FRLYc0G_Mt38jX1wImHeN2Tj9/view?usp=sharing (download MP4 file from this link)
"Covid-19, Fracking, and the Global Oil Supply."
Scientists Warning Europe:
Planet in Crisis: Creating Action for COP26, November 4th, 2020.
"Covid-19, Fracking and Crude Oil Supply."
Royal Society of Chemistry, January 27th, 2021:
"Solving the Plastic Problem: From Cradle to Grave, to Reincarnation!"
The Glaister Lecture: Braziers Park College, May 12th, 2019.
"Fracking, and the Global Oil Supply."
High Wycombe Skeptics in the Pub, July 17th, 2019.
"The Global Oil Supply, Biodiversity and the Changing Climate."
The Glaister Lecture, Braziers Park College, May 15th, 2016.
"The Global Oil Supply: Implications for Biodiversity?"
Lecture to the Linnean Society of London, on September 17th, 2015.
"Why are Oil Prices so Low?"
Interview by Rob Hopkins for the Transition Network, on February 2nd, 2015:
"Education and Climate Change."
Talk, followed by Q&A Session, at the Swindon Festival of Literature, on May 15th, 2013:
"Transition Towns."
Interview, on Reading4u Community Radio, on December 19th, 2012:
"Hippy the Happy Hippopotamus!"
Described as a modern day "eco-parable", my children's picture-book, aimed to help young children with reading English, and to see that cooperation, empathy, and connection with Nature, are the best ways to cope with a rapidly changing world. The book was awarded as a Winner in the Authors Show, "50 Great Writers You Should be Reading" contest. Don McCauley, from The Authors Show, interviewing me on January 24th, 2016.
Forthcoming Appearances:
Calendar of Recent Appearances:
Held at Reading International Solidarity Centre (RISC), 35-39 London St., Reading RG1 4PS.
Organised by Braziers Park School of Integrative Social Research.
Held at Braziers Park, Ipsden, Wallingford OX10 6AN.
Professor Chris Rhodes interviewed by Dr Sofia Pineda Ochoa.
Held at K+K Hotel George, Kensington, 1-15 Templeton Place, London SW5 9NB.
Organised by Burchetts Green and Hurley Women's Institute.
Held at the Priory Room, Hurley, Maidenhead SL6 5NB.
Professor Chris Rhodes interviewed by Dr Sofia Pineda Ochoa.
Held online.
Organised by Chazey Women's Institute.
Organised by Scientists Warning Europe. Professor Chris Rhodes interviewed by Dr Julie Peconi.
2nd June, 7.30 pm, A Globe of Villages, and the Power of Local Communities.
Organised by Mortimer 2012 Women's Institute.
Held online: https://berkshire.thewi.org.uk/find-wi/mortimer-2012
7th April, 7.30 pm, Covid-19, Fracking, and Our Energy Future?
Organised by Bracknell LETS (Local Exchange Trading System).
Held online: https://www.bracknell-lets.co.uk/lets-calendar
25th March, 9.00 am, Climate and Biodiversity Crisis Action Plan for Councils - Energy.
Organised by Scientists Warning Europe.
Held online (my talk starts about 28 mins in, followed by the subsequent panel discussions, about 60 mins in): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MtrXYRzkHXI
23rd February, 9.00 am, The Global Energy Crisis and Potential of Renewable Energy.
Organised by Mansoura University, Egypt.
Held online: https://mansagr.webex.com/mansagr/j.php?MTID=m8f1a5d45d64de5f4a73a5062b8ca54b0
27th January, 6.30 pm, Covid-19, Fracking and the Global Oil Supply.
Organised by The Royal Society of Chemistry.
Held online: https://register.gotowebinar.com/recording/7247090458494581003
4th November, 10.00 am, Covid-19, Fracking and the Global Oil Supply.
Organised by Scientists Warning Europe: "Planet in Crisis: Creating Action for COP26".
Held online: https://www.planetincrisis.com/
10th September, 6.00 pm, Cooperating for a Regenerative Reading, with Transition Town Reading.
(Cancelled) Organised by the Royal Society of Arts.
Was to be held at Blake Morgan, Apex Plaza, Forbury Road, Reading RG1 1AX.
30th August, 11.00 am, A Globe of Villages, and the Power of Local Communities.
(Cancelled) Organised by Braziers Park College.
Was to be held at Braziers Park, Ipsden, Wallingford, Oxfordshire OX10 6AN.
13th January, 7.30 pm, Ethical matters: Solving the Plastic Problem.
Organised by the Conway Hall Ethical Society.
at Conway Hall, 25 Red Lion Square London WC1R 4RL.
20th November, 2.00 pm, For Our Children's Earth: Building the Soil, Sustaining the Future.
Organised by Yateley and Yateley Green Women's Institute.
Held at Yateley Village Hall, Reading Road, Yateley GU46 7UH.
12th October, 2.40 pm, The Changing Climate: Realising the World's Woes and Resources.
Organised by Planet Centred Forum.
Held at The Priory Rooms Meeting & Conference Centre,
8th October, 2.15 pm, Fracking: Friend or Foe?
Organised by South Stoke Women's Institute.
Held at South Stoke Village Hall, Cross Keys Road, South Stoke, Oxon, RG8 0JT
17th July, 8.00 pm, Fracking, and the Global Oil Supply.
Organised by Wycombe Skeptics in the Pub.
Held at Wycombe Arts Centre, 19 Desborough Road, High Wycombe, HP11 2RQ. http://wycombe.skepticsinthepub.org/
30th May, 11.30 am, University Shambles: How to Ruin the Best University System in the World.
Organised by the Basildon Probus Club.
Held at Red Lion pub in Upper Basildon, Berkshire RG8 8NG.
17th May, 10.00 am,
Reading/Recording of the Eco-parable for Young Children, "Hippy the
Happy Hippopotamus", along with "Hippy Eco-Hippo" and "Visitors for
Organised by Newbury College.
Held at Newbury College, Monks Lane, Newbury RG14 7TD.
12th May, 5.00 pm, Leading a Discussion on Solutions to the Plastic Problem (following screening of the film: "A Plastic Ocean").
Organised by Friends of the Earth (Reading).
Held at Reading International Solidarity Centre (RISC), 35-39 London St., Reading RG1 4PS.
12th May, 11.00 am, Solving the Plastic Problem: From Cradle to Grave, to Reincarnation!
Organised by Braziers Park College,"The Glaister Lecture."
Held at Braziers Park, Ipsden, Wallingford, Oxfordshire OX10 6AN.
28th February, 6.00 pm, For Our Children's Earth.
Organised by the Royal Society of Arts.
Held at Blake Morgan, Apex Plaza, Forbury Road, Reading RG1 1AX.
21st February, 7.30 pm, What Happens When the Oil Runs Out?
Organised by Caversham Women's Institute.
Held at Church House, 59 Church Street Caversham, Berkshire, RG48AX.
19th September, 7.30 pm, For Our Children's Earth: Building the Soil, Sustaining the Future.
Organised by Broadchalke Women's Institute.
Held at Broadchalke Village Hall, South Street, Broadchalke, Salisbury, Wiltshire SP5 5DN.
17th September, 7.30 pm, What Happens When the Oil Runs Out?
Organised by The Society of Thirteen.
Held at The Grosvenor Museum, 27 Grosvenor Street, Chester CH1 2DD.
23rd May, 7.30 pm, For Our Children's Earth: Building the Soil, Sustaining the Future.
Organised by Caversham Women's Institutes.
Held at the Caversham Heights Methodist Church Hall, Highmoor Road, Caversham RG4 7BG. http://www.cavhmc.org.uk/
21st March, 7.30pm, On Care for Our Common Home. (The Changing Climate: A New Age of Human Endeavour).
Organised by The Faith In Action group at St James' parish: Laudato Si group.
Held at St James' RC Church, Abbot's Walk, Reading RG1 3HW
1st March, 9.40 am, Keynote Lecture. Zeolites: Fundamental Features and Environmental Implications.
Organised by the 4th European Organic Chemistry Congress 2018.
17th February, 9.30 am, A Globe of Villages, and the Power of Local Communities.
Organised by Braziers Park College,to follow a screening of the film "Transition 2.0".
Held at Braziers Park, Ipsden, Wallingford, Oxfordshire OX10 6AN.
24th November, 11.00 am, Electron Paramagnetic Resonance: Some Applications for the Environmental and Life Sciences.
Organised by Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra, Slovak Republic.
Held at the Faculty of Natural Sciences, Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra, Trieda Andreja Hlinku 1, 949 74 Nitra, Slovakia.
28th June, 2.30 pm, University Shambles.
Organised by Richmond upon Thames U3A.
Held at Clarendon Hall, York House, Richmond Road, Twickenham TW1 3BZ.
15th May, 11.00 am, What Happens When the Oil Runs Out?
Organised by Stanmore and District U3A.
Held at The Glebe Hall, Stanmore, Middlesex HA7 4DA.
12th April, 8.00 pm, What Happens When the Oil Runs Out?
Organised by the Harrow and Hillingdon Geological Society.
Held at The Cavendish Pavilion, Field End Road, Eastcote HA4 9PG.
11th April, 7.30 pm, "Cheap Oil or Peak Oil - the Oil Rollercoaster"
Organised by Woking Cafe Scientifque.
Held at Cellar Magneval, 3 Church Path, Woking, Surrey GU21 6EJ.
8th March, 11.00 am, What Happens When the Oil Runs Out?
Organised by The Training Partnership, “Geography Inspiration Day” for 6th form students.
Held at Logan Hall, University College London Institute of Education, 20 Bedford Way, London WC1H 0A.
26th January, 7.00 pm, Fracking: Friend or Foe?
Organised by the University of Reading, Science Outreach Event.
Held at Room 301, Edith Morley Building (HUMSS), University of Reading Whiteknights Campus, Reading RG6 6UR
12th December, 1.30 pm, What happens When the Oil Runs Out?
Organised by The Training Partnership, “Geography Inspiration Day” for 6th form students.
Held at Logan Hall, University College London Institute of Education, 20 Bedford Way, London WC1H 0A.
23rd November, 7.30 pm, Will the Oil Run Out?
Organised by Dolphin School, "Earth Studies Lecture Autumn 2016, Using Planet Earth.".
Held at Dolphin School, Waltham Rd, Hurst RG10 0FR.
19th October, 7.30 pm, What Happens When the Oil Runs Out?
Organised by Gravesend Skeptics in the Pub.
Held at No. 84 Tea Room and Eatery, 84 Parrock Road, Gravesend DA12 1QF.
14th October, 2.00 pm, What happens When the Oil Runs Out?
Organised by Milford and District U3A.
Held at Milford Village Hall, Portsmouth Road, Milford, Surrey GU8 5DS.
11th October, 7.45 pm, What happens When the Oil Runs Out?
Organised by Woolhampton and Midgham Women's Institute.
Held at Woolhampton Village Hall, Bath Road RG7 5RE.
12th September, 11.00 am, What Happens When the Oil Runs Out?
Organised by Hillingdon U3A.
Held at Winston Churchill Hall, Manor Farm, Pinn Way, Ruislip HA4 7QL.
6th September, 2.15 pm, What Happens When the Oil Runs Out?
Organised by Riseley and Swallowfield Women's Institute.
Held at Swallowfield Parish Hall, Swallowfield Street, Swallowfield RG7 1QX.
15th June, 10.30 am, Why Bother With Fracking?
Organised by Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra, Slovak Republic.
Held at the Faculty of Natural Sciences, Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra, Trieda Andreja Hlinku 1, 949 74 Nitra, Slovakia.
25th May, 2.30 pm, What Happens When the Oil Runs Out?
Organised by Richmond upon Thames U3A.
Held at Clarendon Hall, York House, Richmond Road, Twickenham TW1 3BZ.
15th May, 11.00 am, The Global Oil Supply, Biodiversity, and the Changing Climate.
Organised by Braziers Park College,"The Glaister Lecture."
Held at Braziers Park, Ipsden, Wallingford, Oxfordshire OX10 6AN.
21st April, 7.30 pm, What Happens When the Oil Runs Out?
Organised by Yateley and Yateley Green Women's Institute.
Held at Yateley Village Hall, Reading Road, Yateley GU46 7UH.
20th April, 2.30 pm, What Happens When the Oil Runs Out?
Organised by Banstead Area U3A, "The Odette Ellicott lecture."
Held at the Community Hall, Park Road, Banstead SM7 3AJ.
23rd January, 10.00 am, EST (3.00 PM, UK Time) Chris Rhodes being Interviewed on The Authors Show, by Don McCauley about his children's picture book, “Hippy the Happy Hippopotamus”. Described as "An eco-parable for our time"
3rd December, What Happens When the Oil Runs Out?
Organised by Tunbridge Wells Skeptics in the Pub.
Held at Sankey’s, 39 Mount Ephraim, Tunbridge Wells, Kent TN4 8AA.
Swallowfield Street,
RG7 1QX - See more at: http://www.swallowfieldpc.gov.uk/directory.php?template=_indiv&id=219&name=Women%27s%20Institute#sthash.H1wrbbB8.dpuf
28th September, 3.00 pm, Zeolites: Fundamental Features and Environmental Implications.
Organised by Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra, Slovak Republic.
Held at the Faculty of Natural Sciences, Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra, Trieda Andreja Hlinku 1, 949 74 Nitra, Slovakia.
17th September, 6.00 pm, The Global Oil Supply: Implications for Biodiversity?
Organised by The Linnean Society of London.
Swallowfield Street,
RG7 1QX - See more at: http://www.swallowfieldpc.gov.uk/directory.php?template=_indiv&id=219&name=Women%27s%20Institute#sthash.H1wrbbB8.dpuf
24th August, 7.30 pm, University Shambles: How to Ruin the Best University System in the World.
Organised by Basingstoke Café Scientifique.
Held at The Tea Bar, 9-13 London Street, Top of Town, Basingstoke RG21 7NT.
4th August, 10.00 am, What Happens When the Oil Runs Out?
Organised by Wanstead and Woodford U3A.
Held at the Memorial Hall, 206 High Road, South Woodford, E18 2PA.
15th July, 10.30 am, Universities in a Changing Climate: from Shambles to Resilience.
Organised by Braziers Park College,"Many Shades of Green" workshop.
Held at Braziers Park, Ipsden, Wallingford, Oxfordshire OX10 6AN.
16th June, 7.30 pm, What happens When the Oil Runs Out?
Organised by East London Branch of Soroptomist International of Great Britain and Ireland.
Held at Valentines Mansion, Emerson Road, Ilford IG1 4XA.
4th June, 8.15 am, Plenary Lecture. Zeolites: Fundamental Features and Environmental Implications.
Organised by the 25th International Conference on Coordination Chemistry and Bioinorganic Chemistry.
Held at Smolenice Castle, Zámocká, 919 04 Smolenice, Slovakia.
6th May, 7.30 pm, What Happens When the Oil Runs Out?
Organised by Maidenhead Skeptics in the Pub.
Held at The Rose, 16 King Street, Maidenhead, Berkshire SL6 1EF.
22nd April, 7.00 pm, Why Bother With Fracking?
Organised by Bracknell Forest Friends of the Earth.
Held at Coopers Hill Youth and Community Centre, Bagshot Rd, Bracknell, West Berkshire RG12 7QS.
14th April, 11.30 am, What Happens When the Oil Runs Out?
Organised by Hammersmith and Fulham U3A.
Held at St Mary's Church Hall, 2 Edith Road, London W14 9BA.
10th April, 2.00 pm, What Happens When the Oil Runs Out?
Organised by Reigate and Redhill U3A.
Held at Reigate Park URC Church, Park Lane East Reigate, Surrey RH2 8BD.
26th March, 11.00 am, University Shambles: How to Ruin the Best University System in the World.
Organised by Goring Gap U3A.
Held at Goring on Thames Village Hall, Goring, Oxfordshire RG8 9.
2nd March, 8.00 pm, What Happens When the Oil Runs Out?
Organised by Maidstone Skeptics in the Pub.
Held at The Style and Winch, 72 Union Street, Maidstone, Kent ME14 1ED.
2nd February, 11.00 am, Why is Oil So Cheap, and What Does it Mean?
Interviewed by Rob Hopkins for the Transition Network.
28th January, 2.15 pm, What Happens When the Oil Runs Out?
Organised by High Wycombe & District U3A.
Held at Lacey Green Millennium Village Hall, Main Road, Lacey Green, Bucks. HP27 0QU.
22nd January, 6.30 pm, Why Bother With Fracking?
Organised by The Royal Society of Chemistry.
Held at the Royal Society of Chemistry at Burlington House, Piccadilly, London W1J 0BA.
9th January, 2.00 pm, What Happens When the Oil Runs Out?
Organised by Merton U3A.
Held at Drake House, 44 St. George's Road Wimbledon London SW19 4ED
12th December, 5.00 pm, Interviewed on B.B.C. Three Counties Radio (Future of Wind-Power).
25th November, 2.15 pm, What Happens When the Oil Runs Out?
Organised by Reading U3A.
Held at the Reading Abbey Baptist Church, Abbey Square, Reading RG1 3BE
20th November, 10.00 am, What Happens When the Oil Runs Out?
Organised by Ealing U3A.
Held at Ealing Town Hall, New Broadway, Ealing, London W5 2BY.
17th November, 7.30 pm, Why Bother With Fracking?
Organised by Earley Environmental Group.
Held at Maiden Place Community Centre, Maiden Place, Lower Earley, Reading RG6 3HE.
9th November, 11.00 pm, For Our Children's Earth: Building the Soil, Sustaining the Future.
Organised by the Conway Hall Ethical Society.
Held at Conway Hall, 25 Red Lion Square London, Greater London WC1R 4RL. http://www.conwayhall.org.uk/
29th October, 8.00 pm, Why Bother With Fracking?
Organised by Friends of the Earth (Reading), in support of the Reading International Festival.
Held at Reading International Solidarity Centre (RISC), 35-39 London St., Reading RG1 4PS.
14th October, 10.30 am, What happens When the Oil Runs Out?
Organised by Bromley U3A.
Held at Bromley Central Library, Large Hall, fourth floor.
18th September, 2.00 pm, What Happens When the Oil Runs Out?
Organised by Bracknel Forest U3A.
Held at Open Learning Centre, Brakenhale School, Rectory Lane, Bracknell RG12 7GR.
11th September, 2.00 pm, What Happens When the Oil Runs Out?
Organised by Chess Valley U3A.
Held at Broadway Baptist Church, Chesham HP5 1HY.
10th September, 2.30 pm, What Happens When the Oil Runs Out?
Organised by Dorking U3A.
Held the Christian Centre, Church Street, Dorking RH4 1DW.
6th September, 8.30 pm, What Happens When the Oil Runs Out?
Organised by The Science Revision Weekend: Guest Lecture.
Held at Yarnfield Park Training & Conference Centre, Stone, Staffordshire ST15 0NL.
15th July, 7.30 pm, What Happens When the Oil Runs Out?
Organised by Reading Skeptics in the Pub.
Held at The Outlook (formerly Copa), 76-78 Kings Road, Reading RG1 3BJ.
30th June, 7.00 pm, Why Bother With Fracking?
Organised by Transition Hythe/Hythe Festival.
Held at Tin Church, Stade Street, Hythe, Kent CT21 6BD.
24th June, 10.00 am, Radiation, Free Radicals and Disease.
Organised by the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Slovak Republic.
Held at the Faculty of Chemical of Food Technology, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Vazovova 5, 812 43 Bratislava 1, Slovakia.
25th June, 10.00 am, Radiation, Free Radicals and Disease.
Organised by Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra, Slovak Republic.
Held at the Faculty of Natural Sciences, Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra, Trieda Andreja Hlinku 1, 949 74 Nitra, Slovakia.
14th June, 3.00 pm, What Happens When the Oil Runs Out?
Organised by Soroptimist International, London Chilterns Region.
Held at the Medieval Abbey Buildings in Abingdon OX14 3HZ
11th June, 2.00 pm, University Shambles: How to Ruin the Best University System in the World.
Organised by Windsor U3A.
Held at Gardeners Hall, St. Leonard's Road, Windsor SL4 3DR
10th June, 2.15 pm, For Our Children's Earth: Building the Soils, Sustaining the Future.
Organised by South Stoke Women's Institute.
Held at South Stoke Village Hall, Cross Keys Road, South Stoke, Oxfordshire RG8 0JT.
9th June, 9.05 am, Interviewed on B.B.C. Three Counties Radio (Wind Farms - do we need them or not?).
14th May, 9.00 am, Introduction to the Circular Economy.
Organised by Reading Climate Action Network.
Held at Apex Plaza, Forbury Road, Reading, Berkshire RG1 1AX
7th May, 8.00 pm, For Our Children's Earth: Building the Soil, Sustaining the Future.
Organised by Mill Green Women's Institute.
Held at Hannon Room, St. Mary's Church, Mill Green, Station Road, Wargrave RG10 8EU
15th April, 10.30 am, For Our Children's Earth: Building the Soil, Sustaining the Future.
Organised by Firtree Retirement Club.
Held at YMCA Reading, 34 Parkside Road, Reading RG30 2PD.
31st March, 8.00 pm, Why Bother With Fracking?
Organised by Bristol Science Cafe.
Held at the Tobacco Factory Cafe/Bar, Raleigh Road, Bedminster, Bristol BS3 1TF
27th March, 8.00 pm, What Happens When the Oil Runs Out?
Organised by Eastborne Skeptics in the Pub.
Held at Bibendum, 1 Grange Road Eastbourne BN21 4EU.
3rd February, 2.00 pm, What Happens When the Oil Runs Out?
Organised by the Maxwell Society/Department of Physics, Kings' College, London.
Held at Kings' College, Strand London WC2R 2LS.
20th January, 7.00 pm, Why Bother with Fracking?
Organised by Isle of Wight Cafe' Scientifique.
Held at the Isle of Wight Conservative Club, 6 Palmerston Road, Shanklin, Isle of Wight PO37 6AU.
27th November, 2.00 pm, Radiation, Free Radicals and Disease.
Organised by Kingston University, London.
Held at Kingston University, Penrhyn Road, Kingston upon Thames, Surrey KT1 2EE.
7th November, 10.30 am, What Happens When the Oil Runs Out?
5th November, 7.45 pm, Burning the Midnight Oil.
Organised by Chazey Women's Institute.
Held at the Caversham Heights Methodist Church Hall, Highmoor Road, Caversham RG4 7BG. http://www.cavhmc.org.uk/
29th October, 7.00 pm, What Happens When We Run Out of Oil?
Organised by Kingston Cafe' Scientifique.
Held at Woody's, Ram Passage, Kingston upon Thames KT1 1HH.
16th October, 7.30 pm, What Happens When the Oil Runs Out?
Organised by Sheepbells Group Women's Institute.
Held at Lavington School, The Spring, Market Lavington, Devizes,Wiltshire SN10 4EB.
15th October, 7.30 pm What Happens When the Oil Runs Out?
Organised by Brighton Cafe' Scientifique.
Held at the Latest Music Bar, Manchester Street, Brighton BN2 1TF.
17th September, 7.30 pm, Panel Discussion on Renewable Energy (after the play, "Cheese").
Organised by the Fanshen Theatre Company.
Held at Floor One, 29-31 Oxford Street, London W1D 2DR.
28th July, 11.00 pm, What Happens When the Oil Runs Out?
Organised by Conway Hall Ethical Society.
Held at Conway Hall, 25 Red Lion Square London, Greater London WC1R 4RL. http://www.conwayhall.org.uk/
10th July, 7.50 pm, What happens When the Oil Runs Out?
Organised by Castle Tump Women's Institute.
Held at Upleadon Village Hall, Gloucester Road, Upleadon GL18 1EJ.
21st June 2013, 2.20 pm, What Happens When the Oil Runs Out?
Organised by the Wiltshire Federation of Women's Institutes.
Held at West Ashton Village Hall, Bratton Road, West Ashton BA14 6AZ.
19th June, 8.00 pm, What Happens When the Oil Runs Out?
Organised by Wycombe Skeptics in the Pub.
Held at The Bootlegger, 3 Amersham Hill, High Wycombe, Bucks. HP13 6NQ. http://wycombe.skepticsinthepub.org/Venue.aspx/178/The-Bootlegger
14th June, 10.00 am, Zeolites: Nuclear Power and Environmental Impacts.
Organised by the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Slovak Republic.
Held at the Faculty of Chemical of Food Technology, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Vazovova 5, 812 43 Bratislava 1, Slovakia.
13th June, 10.30 pm, The Coming Energy Crunch - Can the Sun be Our Saviour?
Organised by Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra, Slovak Republic.
Held at the Faculty of Natural Sciences, Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra, Trieda Andreja Hlinku 1, 949 74 Nitra, Slovakia.
30th May 2013, 8.00 pm, What Happens When the Oil Runs Out?
Organised by Pangbourne and Whitchurch Sustainability Group.
Held at Pangbourne Village Hall, Pangbourne Station Rd Pangbourne RG8 7DY http://www.pangbourne-pc.gov.uk/village-hall/
16th May 2013, 7.30 pm, University Shambles: How to Ruin the Best University System in The World.
15th May 2013, 7.00 pm, Universities in a Changing Climate - From Shambles to Resilience.
Organised by The Swindon Festival of Literature.
Held at Lower Shaw Farm, West Swindon SN5 5PJ.
13th May 2013, 7.00 pm, What Happens When We Run Out of Oil?
Organised by Southampton Café Scientifique.
Held at the Southwestern Arms (upstairs room), 36 Adelaide Rd, St Denys, Southampton SO17 2HW http://www.divdev.fsnet.co.uk/scicaf.htm
8th April, 7.30 pm, What Happens When the Oil Runs Out?
27th March, 7.30 pm, What Happens When the Oil Runs Out?
Organised by the Surrey Federation of Women's Institutes, Science and Technology Group.
Held at White Hart Barn (Godstone Village Hall), Bay Path, Godstone RH9 8DT. http://www.godstone.net/pages/villagehall.htm
25th March, 7.30 pm, What Happens When the Oil Runs Out?
Organised by Basingstoke Café Scientifique.
Held at The Tea Bar, 9-13 London Street, Top of Town, Basingstoke RG21 7NT.
19th March, 3.45 pm, Energy, Resources and Population ("Game-Over" for the Human Species?)
Organised by The Thomas Hardye School, for 6th form Geography students.
Held at The Thomas Hardye School, Queen's Ave Dorchester, Dorset DT1 2ET.
3rd March, 11.00 pm,How to Ruin the Best University System in The World
Organised by Conway Hall Ethical Society.
Held at Conway Hall, 25 Red Lion Square London, Greater London WC1R 4RL. http://www.conwayhall.org.uk/
11th February, 7.30 pm, What Happens When Cheap Oil Runs Out?
Organised by Transition Hythe/Folkstone in Transition.
Held at the Tin Tabernacle Church, Slade Street, Hythe, Kent CT21 6DY.
16th January, 7.30 pm, What Happens When the Oil Runs Out?
Organised by Henley Café Scientifique.
Held at Henley on Thames Hockey Club, Reading Rd, Henley-on-Thames, Oxfordshire RG9 4HE http://www.henleyhockeyclub.co.uk/history.php
19th December, 10.00 am, Interviewed on Reading4u community radio station. http://www.soundcloud.com/reading4u (Transition Towns).
Café Scientifique.
Held at The Keystone 3 Portsmouth Road, Guildford, Surrey GU2 4BL. http://www.thekeystone.co.uk/whats-on.php
6th December, 7.30 pm, What Happens When the Oil Runs Out?
Organised by Reading Rotary Club.
Held at the Crown Plaza Hotel, Caversham Bridge, Richfield Avenue, Reading RG1 8BD. http://www.cp-reading.co.uk/
3rd December, 7.30 pm, What Happens When the Oil Runs Out?
Organised by Winchester Café Scientifique.
Held at The Bridge Patisserie, 20 Bridge Street, Winchester, Hants. SO23 9BH. http://thebridgepatisserie.co.uk/
30th November, 7.40 pm, What Happens When the Oil Runs Out?
Organised by the Swindon Philosophy Society.
Held at the Friends’ Meeting House, Eastcott Hill, Swindon SN1 3JF.
21st November, 7.00 pm, How to Ruin the Best University System in The World
Organised by Bedford Skeptics in the Pub.
Held at The White Horse, 84 Newnham Avenue, Bedford, Bedfordshire MK41 9PX. http://whitehorsebedford.co.uk/
8th November, 2.00 pm, What Happens When the Oil Runs Out?
Organised by Oxford University of the Third Age (U3A).
Held at Rewley House, 1 Wellington Square, Oxford OX1 2JA.
1st November, 3.30 pm, A New Climate Change Strategy for Reading.
Organised by Reading Climate Change Partnership Board.
Kennet Room, Civic Centre, Reading RG1 7AE.
17th October, 7.30 pm What Happens When the Oil Runs Out?
Organised by the Caversham Heights Society.
Held at the Caversham Heights Methodist Church Hall, Highmoor Road, Caversham RG4 7BG. http://www.cavhmc.org.uk/
25th September, 10.15 am, The Trouble With Energy... Are We All Doomed?
Organised by The Thomas Hardye School.
Held at The Thomas Hardye School, Queen's Ave Dorchester, Dorset DT1 2ET.
24th September, 7.00 pm, What Happens When the Oil Runs Out?
Organised by the Thomas Hardye School, community lectures series.
Held at The Thomas Hardye School, Queen's Ave Dorchester, Dorset DT1 2ET.
25th July, 7.30 pm, How to Ruin the Best University System in The World
Organised by London Skeptics in the Pub.
Held at The Monarch Bar, 40-42 Chalk Farm Road, Camden, London NW1 8BG. http://london.skepticsinthepub.org/Venue.aspx/40/The-Monarch-Bar
19th June, 7.30 pm, What Happens When the Oil Runs Out?
Organised by Didcot Café Scientifique.
Held at the Cornerstone Arts Centre, 25 Station Road, Didcot, Oxon OX11 7NE. http://www.cornerstone-arts.org/8.id
18th June, 10.00 am, The Coming Energy Crunch - Can the Sun be Our Saviour?
Organised by the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Slovak Republic.
Held at the Faculty of Chemical of Food Technology, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Vazovova 5, 812 43 Bratislava 1, Slovakia.
12th June, 7.30 pm, What Happens When the Oil Runs Out?
Organised by Liverpool Café Scientifique.
Held at the Hope Street Hotel, Hope Street L1.
6th June, 2.00 pm, The Coming Energy Crunch - Can the Sun be Our Saviour?
Organised by Kingston University, London.
Held at Kingston University, Penrhyn Road, Kingston upon Thames, Surrey KT1 2EE. http://www.kingston.ac.uk/
19th May, 3.20 pm, My Novel, "University Shambles"
Organised by Reading Central Library - Local Author's Showcase
Held at Reading Central Library, Abbey Square, Reading, Berkshire RG1 3BQ. http://www.list.co.uk/place/20002243-reading-central-library/
14th May, 7.30 pm, What Happens When the Oil Runs Out?
Organised by Exeter Café Scientifique.
Held at Exeter Phoenix, Bradninch Place, Gandy Street, Exeter, Devon EX4 3LS. http://exeterphoenix.org.uk
10th May, 10.00 am, PDT (6.00 PM, UK Summer Time) Chris Rhodes being Interviewed on The Authors Show, by Danielle Hampson about his novel, “University Shambles”.
Witcombe and Bentham Village Hall, Pillcroft Rd Witcombe, Gloucester GL3 4TB. http://www.witcombevillagehall.co.uk/
13th March, 7.30 pm, What Happens When the Oil Runs Out?
Organised by Oxford Café Scientifique.
Held at Science Oxford,1-5 London Place,St Clements,Oxford OX4 1BD. http://www.scienceoxford.com/
8th March, 2.00 pm, What Happens When the Oil Runs Out?
Organised by Faringdon University of the Third Age (U3A).
29th February, 10.00 am, Interview on B.B.C. Radio Bristol (Rising fuel prices).
12th December, 5.00 pm, Interviewed on B.B.C. Radio Somerset (The impending supply-demand gap for oil).
12th December, 7.30 pm, What Happens When We Run Out of Oil?
Organised by Bath Café Scientifique.
Held at The Raven 7 Queen St, Bath, Avon BA1 1HE.
29th November, 7.30 pm, What Happens When We Run Out of Oil?
Organised by Cafe Scientifique at the Ropetackle Centre.
Held at the Ropetackle Arts Centre, Little High St Shoreham-by-Sea, West Sussex BN43. http://www.ropetacklecentre.co.uk/
11th October, 7.30 pm, What Happens When We Run Out of Oil?
Organised by Salisbury Café Scientifique.
Held at Salisbury Rugby Football Club, Castle Rd, Salisbury, Wiltshire SP1 3SA. www.salisburyrfc.org/
26th September, 7.30 pm, What Happens When the Oil Runs Out?
Organised by Isle of Wight Café Scientifique.
Held at The Fighting Cocks, Hale Common, Arreton, Isle of Wight PO30 3AR. http://www.thefightingcocks-iw.com/
22nd June, 7.30 pm, What Do We Do When We Run Out Of Oil?
Organised by Sherborne Science Cafe.
Held at Senior Lunch Club Hall, Digby Road, Sherborne DT9 3NL. http://www.sherbornesciencecafe.co.uk/
2nd May, 2.00 pm, Zeolites: Nuclear Power and Environmental Impacts.
Organised by Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra, Slovak Republic.
Held at the Faculty of Natural Sciences, Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra, Trieda Andreja Hlinku 1, 949 74 Nitra, Slovakia.
Held at Kingston University, Penrhyn Road, Kingston upon Thames, Surrey KT1 2EE. http://www.kingston.ac.uk/
14th March, 7.30 pm, What Will We Do When The Oil Runs Out?
Organised by Reading Café Scientifique.
Held at Déjà vu Bar and Eatery 61 St. Mary's Butts, Reading RG1 2LG. http://www.monroesreading.co.uk/
25th February, 8.00 pm, What Will We Do When The Oil Runs Out?
Organised by the Berkshire Federation of Women's Institutes, Science and Technology Group.
Held at the Chemistry Department, University of Reading, Whiteknights, Shinfield Rd, Reading, West Berkshire RG6 6UR. http://www.reading.ac.uk/
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